Monday 26 September 2016

So the administration begins...and so does the cake...

I'm settling in pretty well to Douai at the moment. Last week I did a lot of exploring around my local area (mainly finding the best bread) and practising my vousvoyer with shop keepers! After a very busy weekend last week (see blog post about the volleyball game!) it was nice to start the week slowly wondering like a flâneuse! 

Wondering the streets!

Cheese anyone?

spot the portalooooo
Last week I also managed to sign up to the local library for free, which means 4 books/magazines/articles for 15 days as well as a huge choice of DVDs and CDs. It was a fairly smooth process signing up, with proof of address, ID and then a simple photo (I'd recommend to future assistants getting some passport photos taken, they're really useful to just give in for passes like these!) The literary geek in me was so happy this week...

Can't get much geekier than this guys.
After joining the library, I've discovered it works really well as a replacement phone. Basically, I haven't got a French phone nor a French number, as I found paying for this on top of my English one silly (and emergency texts/calls to people are only a couple of pense anyway!) Sadly, no data-roaming or constant texts when I leave wifi books have been a great way to avoid being fed up when waiting for trains for example. (Plus they fit nicely in my bag!)

Geek moment over, I've been to the bank this week...eugh. It has taken 2 weeks to sort out an appointment, but yes we finally went. Taking Isabelle with me really helped, as sometimes the banquier guy didn't seem to understand I'm English, staying here for a year, and not just a holiday tourist! Finally we opened the bank account (after an hour and a half of this guy talking about politics, his family, himself...oh and the occasional useful fact) we left the bank at half five to do some food shopping. After getting home we realised he wanted a UTR code....for people in France, this is a registered code to show you do/dont pay taxes. In England we have National Insurance Numbers, but only UTR codes if you work from trying to explain this different system became tiring. With my mom on the phone to our tax office, me on the phone to everyone I could think of to help, we finally managed to sort this out (so thanks to all my friends at home/france)!

En bref, I'm waiting for my card to arrive and now I've got my account - HURRAY. Let's talk about cake.

 I visited Marie's grandparents this week, who've met myself and Matt at Easter around 2/3 years ago? Wow. They're lovely and these cakes were equally as delish....
After munching on these, I went and watched Marie's volley ball training (and nearly had my head took off a few times) and then we had home baked pizzas from the local bio-boulangerie (the best things in the world), better than dominos...maybe touching on Pizza in Rome(maybe).

This Saturday I went to Biache to meet Caroline again and her family...look more cake! 

We managed to sort out all my Erasmus papers and my timetable (sort of)! I managed to successfully book a doctors appointment for Thursday for a man "agreed by the National Educational Bureaucracy" to give me a medical check up for my job - yet Caro informed me I need a separate file to take with me...or he'll turn me away - oh the joys.

On the plus, we went to a Chinese restaurant and ate so much lovely food! It was a pleasure! I may also have been brought another cocktail (life is great)

Sunday was match day for LOSC ladies which was an incredible game. Charlotte's team won 6-0 with some incredible goals. I also visited GUR, the biggest kebab restaurant in Europe (placed all around Europe) for some fries to go with our pork complaints!
After the match we always get to go into Lille's football clubhouse for drinks and snacks. The most amazing bit for me, is how Charlotte's team are treated. They're seen as real football celebrities as the first women's team and have little kids asking for autographs and photos!! (Chacha the star!)
So I feel very lucky to know her and Marie hehe.



Chacha and her many fans :) (they're all queuing for her autograph)

Mes filles :P

Charlotte being forced to have photos :P
So what's happening this week?

This week is a bit busy. Tomorrow I'm buying a cartejeune -  rail card to get 50% off in Nord pas de Calais, and 30% in France woo, and hopefully getting a pass for work too at some point! I'm also going to Arras to visit the doctor, and Vitry to visit the school. This week is my last week before sleep is vital! Our training day is next Monday (let's hope I make some friends!)

Au revoir!

(in case people at home have forgot what I look like..)


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