Monday 5 September 2016

2 more days...

"You can't wear that we've packed it", "WHERE ARE MY SHOES?!....packed.", "Your suitcase is huge"....are all signs of a helpless student trying to pack for a year abroad. 

I'm smiling - maybe because my poor mother helped me to pack everything?!

I'm really lucky, living with a French family who know me really well has meant I didn't need towels or bedding - so more space for...well...everything else! Not sure if I've mentioned but I've been given a room with an en suite - la vie de luxe! So excited to see Marie, Isabelle, Julien and Charlotte!

How are the nerves doing? 

I've been really sad to say goodbye to my Dad yesterday, as he's working away so I won't see him Wednesday! Minus that, I'm doing well-ish, I'm more excited than anything really. Especially as Marie and her friends are picking me up from Lille-Europe Wednesday. I'm sad to be leaving my family but I've got this feeling Xmas will be coming round the corner suuuuuper fast, so it's time to eat and see as much as possible! I've got the French family calling me this evening which will put all nerves at bay- as well as a hair colour change - lets hope they recognise me!

Where do we go from here?

I'll arrive in France Wednesday, 15:30 local time and be taken around Lille! After that I have to try and organise my bank account and other gross admin things! Saturday Matt is coming to visit *screams with happiness* and Sunday is my 21st's a little crazy, but the nicest start to a year abroad with part of my family in France with me, as well as my French family. The week after, I'm hoping to meet my French mentor Caroline (very excited!!) and chat to her about all things French-y about my job. I'll then arrange to meet my other mentor from Vitry soon afterwards. So the job starts the first week of October, so I best have my nerves, paper work and French under my belt. It's going to be an incredible journey. See you on the other side of the tunnel guys!....hopefully with some cake!

A bientôt! 

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